How to write the lyrics?

How to write the lyrics? For any musical performer who seeks self-expression, sooner or later the question arises of creating his own compositions - songs or instrumental compositions.

While instrumental music can be interpreted by people as they please, the song is a universal means, allowing you to convey your thoughts to the listener in a more or less clear way. But often the difficulties begin precisely when writing the text. After all, in order to evoke a response in the hearts of fans, it should not be just rhymed lines! Of course, you can use someone's poems, help, or rely on capricious inspiration (and suddenly!). But it is always better to know how to write the lyrics correctly.

There must always be an idea first!

In order not to blame anyone for banal songs, it is always necessary that in each of them a specific idea be heard to the listener. And she can be:

  1. an important event in society that has received great condemnation or admiration from the masses of people;
  2. lyrical experiences (ideal for creating love songs and lyrical ballads);
  3. fictional event in the fantasy world you like;
  4. "eternal" topics:
  • confrontation between fathers and children
  • the relationship between a man and a woman
  • freedom and slavery
  • life and death,
  • God and religion.

Idea found? So now brainstorm is needed! All thoughts and associations that may arise about it should be written down and collected in one place. But it is too early to clothe them in some particular form. It is much more convenient for further work to write everything down as plain text.

It is also better if at this stage a working title for the created masterpiece will be invented. A few pre-selected variants of the name will eventually create more room for creativity.

Form: all ingenious - easy!

If the arrangement for the future song has not yet been thought out, then it is best to make the form of the text universal, which means it is as simple as possible. It’s always worth starting with rhythm.

The simplest of the poetic rhythms are dicotyledal sizes of iambic and trochees. The main advantage here is that mostly people who are capable of writing poetry, unwittingly use them. This means that it is not necessary to specially select the words suitable for the location. Moreover, verses in bipartite size are easier perceived by ear and are able to fit the vast majority of melodies.

Simplicity is worth striving for when determining the length of a line of verse. The most optimal of them are those in which there are 3-4 semantic words between the punctuation marks. Such lines for convenience of perception in the middle do not have to be broken by rhyming. But in the event that the text is written on the already prepared music, then when choosing its form in order to avoid dissonance, it is worthwhile to start from the given rhythm and melody.

In addition, if you want to add more interesting features to the syllable and rhythm of the song or invent some kind of your own form, then you do not need to limit yourself. After all, the main difference between the lyrics of a song and any poems is that it can be anything! But at the same time it is necessary to firmly understand that not all text decisions can be ultimately made by fans. At this preparatory stages are completed. And right now, writing a song is really a creative process.

Highlighting the main and emphasis

It is possible that at this moment the inspiration, called upon to the long and productive process of creation, will come to the rescue and help. But if all the conditions are created, and the muse is not, then you just need to start by highlighting the main thing.

The most significant association, the most capacious semantic phrase and the brightest allegory of those previously invented - this is what you need to choose as a basis. It is this thought that should be the key for a repetitive refrain or chorus. It can also be reflected in the title of the song.

The couplets, if they are planned, are best thought out afterwards, thus producing a semantic polishing of the text and placing the necessary accents. And the rest of the improvements to make as needed as long as the finished result is not completely satisfied.

Of course, you can not think much about how to write the lyrics, but rely on chance and inspiration, because there is no completely universal algorithm. But, in any case, following the recommendations set forth, you can always get a thoughtful, interesting and literate song lyrics.

P.S. Just do not think that writing a song for a song is very difficult and somehow “abstrusely botanical.” The song pours out from the heart, our soul creates melodies. Watch this video, at the same time you will shrivel and cheer up - after all, everything is much simpler than we imagine!

Watch the video: The Secret To Writing Lyrics (March 2025).

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