Full story song "Boots"

Probably, since the opportunity to make sound recordings appeared, the first controversial situations in the definition of copyright appeared. A song can be performed at different times by different performers, and then descendants think who the author is. Take, for example, the song "Valenki", the vicissitudes of which are known to specialists. Few know that this “Russian folk” song is not Russian at all. Now let's talk about it.

The song "Valenki" is an old, taborish Gypsy song. She gained fame as “Russian and folk” in the 40s of the 20th century, after the well-known Soviet singer Lydia Ruslanova included her own repertoire.

How did the story of the song "Valenki"

The first mentions of this song fall on the beginning of the 20th century. It is reliably known that this was a gypsy song, but thanks to its brightness, it became a repertoire and among professional singers. The first recording of the song on a gramophone record was created by the gypsy singer Nastya Polyakova back in 1913, thanks to the Gramophone company. The success was awesome!

For the second time, Nastya recorded "Valenki" already for the German society "Beka-Grand-Plate", whose records were sold throughout Russia.

The success of the plate did not go unnoticed by Russian manufacturers. The company "Zonofon" also releases a record with the song "Valenki", only under the name "Oh, you are Kolya, Nikolay!". The song was sung by the singer from St. Petersburg Nina Dulkevich.

The third entry was created on a record by the Aprelevka Plant (Moscow Region). This time "Valenki" was performed by Vera Makarova-Shevchenko, and Vera sang it with a guitar, which made the song romanticized.

Song evolution

The newest history of the song "Valenki" began during the Second World War. It was during the fatal years for millions of people that the song became a hit of the Soviet state. The song began to perform Lydia Ruslanova, singer number one on the Soviet stage. In her performance, "Valenki" became very different from earlier versions, the song acquired new tunes with Russian "raid".

Lydia Ruslanova sings the song “Valeks” to front-line fighters ...

The song immediately began to be wildly popular and the singer more than once performed it for an encore. In 1943, Lydia Ruslanova released her record. It is noteworthy that other performers, from now on, sang a song in the manner of Ruslanova.

Who is Lydia Ruslanova?

Lydia Andreyevna Ruslanova was born in 1900. The fate of the famous singer was not easy: under Stalin she was repressed, during the war she sang on the front line, in the post-war years her voice was known throughout the country.

Lydia Ruslanova often performed folk songs and more than once filled up the repertoire with forgotten, pre-revolutionary melodies of gypsy romances. It happened with the song "Valenki". Nevertheless, let us clarify: if we compare the versions of the song “Valenki” performed by Lydia Ruslanova and the same Nastya Polyakova, then the difference is obvious. On the one hand, the semantic outline of the song has been preserved completely. On the other hand, the lyrics and melody of the song have been changed. That is why the version of “Valenok” by Lidia Ruslanova is now considered author’s.

The end of the story about boots

You can argue for a long time who the author is "Valenok". You can compare variations of texts or melodies. But, is it necessary? Today it is clear that the history of the song Valenki is important not its beginning, but its end! After all, a simple song about felt boots, as well as many other Russian songs, for example, “Black Eyes” or “Oh, frost, frost,” became not just a part of Russian culture, but more of its symbol. Not without reason, this song sounded in front of the destroyed Reichstag: Lydia Ruslanova performed for the winning soldiers.

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