The selection of music by ear: a genius or skill? Thinking

It is no secret that many children study at a music school without linking their future profession with music. As they say, just for yourself, for common development.

But what is interesting. Communicating with graduates of music schools, one can often encounter a paradoxical phenomenon: children freely read notes from a sheet, expressively play complex classical works, and at the same time find it difficult to pick up accompaniment even to Murka.

What is the matter? Is it possible to select music by ear - the lot of the chosen ones, but in order to entertain a company of friends with modern melodies made to order, you must have brilliant musical abilities?

Subtract and multiply, kids do not hurt

What children are not taught in music school: build quintseptic chords from all levels in all keys, sing vocalise in a choir, and appreciate Italian opera, and play arpeggios on black keys with such speed that you can’t keep up with your fingers.

But it all boils down to one thing: music must be learned. Disassemble the work of the notes, withstand exactly the duration and tempo and exactly to convey the idea of ​​the author.

And to create music is not taught. Shift the harmony of sounds in your head on the notes too. And playing popular melodies on quite understandable chords is also not considered to be a worthy academic occupation.

So it seems that in order to play the same Murka, one must have the gift of young Mozart - if this is such an impossible task, even for people capable of performing the Moon Sonata and the Flight of the Valkyries.

You can not just become a musician, but if you really want, you can

There is another interesting observation. It is extremely easy for most of the self-taught people to relate to the selection of music - people who in their time no one explained that this requires not only musical education, but also talent from above. And so, not knowing about it, they easily pick up the right quintextext chords and, most likely, they will be extremely surprised to hear that what they are playing can be called such a high word. And even, perhaps, they will be asked not to clog their brains with any incompatible terminology. Where such terms come from - read the article “Structure of Chords and Their Names”.

As a rule, all the skilled craftsmen have one thing in common: the desire to play what you want.

Everything needs skill, training, training

Undoubtedly, knowledge of the field of solfeggio will not be superfluous to develop the skill of selecting music by ear. It is only applied knowledge: about tonalities, types of chords, stable and unstable steps, parallel major-minor and so on - and how all this is realized in different musical genres.

But the easiest way to become a Mozart in the world of selection is one: listen and play, play and listen. Shuffle what your ears hear into your fingers. In general, to do everything that was not taught in school.

And if the ears are heard, and the fingers are familiar with the musical instrument, the development of the skill will not take long. And friends will thank you more than once for a warm evening with your favorite songs. And most likely you are able to impress them with Beethoven.

Watch the video: Musician Explains One Concept in 5 Levels of Difficulty ft. Jacob Collier & Herbie Hancock. WIRED (March 2025).

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