How to enroll in music school: information for parents

Music lessons (in any form) help children develop not only hearing and rhythm, but also memory, attention, coordination, intelligence, perseverance and much more. How to enroll in a music school that this will require - read below.

At what age are they taking to music school?

Children from the age of 6 are usually admitted to the budget department, from 5 years to the "cost accounting". The upper age limit is different for learning on different tools. For example, the piano department takes up to 9 years, and folk instruments up to 12. Theoretically, even an adult can come to study at a music school, but only at the extrabudgetary department.

How to choose a music school?

Music schools, as well as general education, are of very different levels. There are stronger, prestigious schools, with a strong teaching staff. You need to decide what is more important for you - performance or convenience. In the first case, get ready to go through serious entrance examinations (the higher the name of the school, the higher, of course, is the competition).

If priority is given to convenience and time saving, choose the school nearest to your place of residence. For primary education, this option is even preferable, because the main thing is the teacher to whom the child will fall. Learning music implies a very close contact with the teacher (individual lessons 2-3 times a week!), So if there is an opportunity, choose not a school, but a teacher.

When and how to enter music school?

About how to enroll in music school, will have to worry in advance. Accepting applications for the new school year usually begins in April. Parents must complete an application form and submit it to the admissions office. In late May - early June, entrance examinations are held, the results of which enroll students. After August 20, an additional set may be held (if there are free places left).

Entrance tests

Each school develops an entrance test format independently. Usually the exam is in the form of an interview with checking musical data.

Ear for music. A child must sing any song, better a nursery. Singing perfectly reveals the presence or absence of a musical ear. The commission may give some more test tasks - for example, listen to and sing the song played on the instrument (a melody from several sounds), or by ear determine the number of notes taken - one or two.

Sense of rhythm. Most often, when checking the rhythm, they ask for the suggested rhythmic pattern to be shut, the teacher slams first, and the child must repeat. They may be asked to sing a song, beating or beating a rhythm. It is worth noting that the musical ear subsequently develop much easier than the feeling of rhythm. Members of the commission, making their choice, also take this into account.

Memory. The “measure” of the memory at the receiving tests is the most difficult, because the child may not remember something from confusion or inattention. Special tasks for determining the quality of memory are usually not carried out, except they can suggest repeating a sung or played melody.

Each quality of these three is evaluated separately on a five-point system. The total score is a criterion for competitive selection to school.

Documents for admission

If the child has successfully passed the entrance test, parents must provide the following documents to the school:

  • statement from parents addressed to the director
  • medical certificate of health (not required in all schools)
  • photocopy of birth certificate
  • photos (specify the format in schools)

Getting into a music school is easy. It is much more difficult not to lose the desire to study in it for the next 5-7 years. After all, learning music is a very time consuming process. I wish you success!

See also - How to enter the music school?

Watch the video: Advice for the Parents of a Music Student (March 2025).

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