Alizee (Alizee): biography, best songs, interesting facts

Alizee (Alizee)

Reading the biography of this popular French singer, one wonders at the ease with which she achieves everything. She was never afraid to use the chance given by fate. Due to this, she came to the world of music, although in dreams she saw herself in a completely different profession. Even after the failures, which also happened in the life of Alize, she easily won the hearts of admirers. Appearing in her career and a broken contract with a well-known producer, a change of direction in music, sudden interruptions in creativity. And all this Alize did with ease. Although, perhaps, this is just an appearance. We offer you to plunge into the world of French Lolita and draw your own conclusions.

Read a short biography of Alize and many interesting facts about the singer on our page.

short biography

On August 21, 1984, the future star of the French scene, the girl Alize Zhakote, was born in the family of a computer specialist and an entrepreneur. Her childhood was spent in the largest city of the island of Corsica - Ajaccio, where the sun is warm almost all year round, and wooded hills are visible. She loved to run with her friends, change into her mother's clothes, sing and dance. It was to the dances that the young person had a special passion, even the desire to become a professional in this matter.

It is not surprising that at the age of 4, flexible and flexible, Alize went to a dance school to improve her skills. Around this time, another child appears in the family - the boy Johan. Parents had not only to educate a new family member, but also to admire her daughter's talent, because she was predicted to have a brilliant career.

Passion for dancing led Alize to participate in the musical show "Young Stars", which was organized by the popular French channel M6. At that time, the actress was 15 years old. She planned to perform with a dance number - after all, she knew how to do it best. But the number was not missed, because they took to the participation of the group, rather than solo dancers. Without thinking twice, the girl changes her plans and goes on stage with a vocal number and performs the song in English. Unfortunately, it was not allowed to the next stage.

Fencing off the world because of failure - the story is not about Alize. A month later she returned to the competition, but with the composition of the French singer Axel Red. The jury was fascinated by the performance and awarded the girl her first musical award.

The competition was the starting point in Alize’s career development. Young talent noticed Milen farmer, mysterious and popular singer, and her producer, Laurent Boutonne. At that time, they were in search of a new project, and they found him in the person of the cute and talented Alize Zhakote. The girl received an offer of cooperation, which she could not refuse. And for good reason!

Their meeting took place in early 2000, and in July of the same year, Alize released her first single "Moi ... Lolita", the words of which were written by Milen, and then the video. The image of Nabokov's Lolita in combination with a light dancing melody conquered the French public. The song reaches second place in the charts and does not leave the top five for half a year.

While France enthusiastically listens to Alize, the recording of the first album "Gourmandises" is going on. November 28, he was released into the rotation. Fully produced by Mylene Farmer and Laurent Boutonn, the album was a great success. In just three months, it becomes platinum and allows Alize to declare herself in Europe and far beyond its borders. There is no girl without awards. The M6 ​​channel recognized it as the discovery of the year.

In 2001, a Corsican career is gaining momentum, and abroad. It begins to be popular in Israel, Japan, Germany, Great Britain and other countries. They also want to see the singer in Russia, where she was invited to the music ceremony "Stopudovy hit."

In the spring of 2002, after receiving the World Music Award, Alize takes a vacation. "Little Milen," as critics and fans called her, returned to a career in early 2003. On her return, she said the clip "J'en Ai Marre!". The single for the song comes out a little later and instantly takes the second line in the charts, but quickly loses its position. Despite this, the singer is preparing for the release of the second album "Mes courants electriques", on the creation of which her "musical parents" are again working. The album was immediately aimed at the English-speaking public: if the French version contains only 11 songs, then the English one. The collection was not so bright a success as the first "Gourmandises".

2003 is remarkable in the life of the singer, not only a return to the music and the release of a new album. This year she met her future husband, Jeremy Chatelain. Their meeting took place in Cannes at the Eurobest - 2003 ceremony. Alize succumbed to his charm, and six months later, the couple secretly signed in Las Vegas. Fans of the singer were shocked by such secrecy, but Alize never liked to show off her personal life, despite the created image of liberated Lolita.

Love and passion do not interfere with Alize's musical career. At the end of 2003, she releases the live album "Alizée En Concert", at the beginning of the next she sets up a great show and ... goes on another sabbatical. It lasted until 2007. During this time, the daughter Anili appeared in a young family, and there were big changes in her career: Alize broke off the contract with Mylene Farmer. Above the creation of a new album, Jacques Foch was attracted as the author of the texts and her husband Jeremy, with whom she broke up in 2012.

The period from 2007 to the present time can be called experimental. Each of her new album is something new and unexpected for fans. After parting with Mylene, Alize released 4 more discs. Some enjoyed success, others did not. Despite this, the Frenchwoman continues to sing, act in various television shows and look for herself. Fans are sure that Alize will still surprise them.

Interesting Facts

  • The singer's parents are windsurfing fans. The love for this sport was reflected in the name of her daughter: after all, Alize in French means “trade wind” or sea wind.
  • At age 11, Alize won a trip to the Maldives. To do this, she simply participated in a competition organized by a French airline. All participants were given a special form with the image of the plane body. It was required to paint. The work of Alize took a prize, for which it was necessary not only to travel. The drawing of the girl was repeated on the body of this aircraft, named after the winner - Alize.
  • The singer believes that 50% of the profession of an artist is image. The remaining half is music. The singer explains her opinion simply: people search for performers themselves and first of all evaluate the style. Alize herself loves to buy new things, but prefers comfort, not fashion.
  • On the right hand of the artist there is a tattoo with the image of her daughter. It is made in the style of manga, Japanese comics, and occupies a significant part of the hand. To the tattoo, the singer is not indifferent from a young age. The first picture on her body appeared somewhere between 16 and 17 years old. At the insistence of the parents, the tattoo was supposed to be small in size and executed where it would be difficult to see. So, on the waist of the young person, the fairy-tale Din-Din from Peter Pan settled. Currently, Alize made about 14 tattoos and is not going to stop there.
  • If we talk about musical preferences, then Alize prefers strong, unusual voices. For example, she likes the sound of Alex Hepburn, a British singer.
  • The repertoire of Alize has one song in English, and one in Spanish. All other songs recorded in their native French.

  • Creativity Alize enjoys particular popularity in ... Mexico. Even the singer herself is unable to answer the question why. Mexicans just like to listen to French songs, and she tries to come there as often as possible.
  • Alize admits that she grew up on the work of Madonna. The fan of the star was the father of the Frenchwoman, so her CDs were always present in the house. At one time, Alize even sang the pop song "La Isla Bonita" for the French channel. The recording hit the Internet and impressed ... all the same Mexicans. This song performed by a young and talented girl was the first to turn on the radio in Mexico.
  • Fame in Japan, the singer is obliged to the song "J en ai marre". Alize planned to release an album there, but in the Land of the Rising Sun it is not easy to do. It required something special. Then the girl starred in advertising Japanese biscuits, where she performed this song. Japan was conquered.
  • Famous Corsican is engaged in Thai boxing, and also enjoys football as a fan.
  • Over the years of dance practice, Alize has mastered many areas. She can easily dance classical or jazz dance, flamenco. It appears in this list and ballet.
  • At the Eurobest - 2003 ceremony, Alize performed "Moi ... Lolita" together with Pasha Artemyev from the Russian group "Korni".
  • In 2013, Alize participated in the TV show "Dancing with the Stars." She refused the invitation for a long time, but agreed to the 4th season. There she met Gregoire Lyon, with whom she danced as a couple, and fell in love. The young man later became her second husband. By the way, the couple eventually won.
  • For guests Alize always cooks pasta with shrimps. It is this dish she manages to cheer.
  • A well-known singer actively uses social networks: the veil of her life can be opened on Instagram, and chat via twitter. True, daughters of the star do not like mom's addiction, she spends too much time on the phone.
  • Charity is part of Alize’s life. She is a member of the group, the funds from which concerts are used to help poor people.

Best Alizee songs

  • "Moi ... Lolita"- this is the most famous and best-selling composition of the performer. Actually the name of the song reveals its content. It sings about a young Lolita, the image of which is taken from the character of the same name of Nabokov.

Moi ... Lolita (listen)

  • "J'en ai marre"- the second most popular single. Translated into Russian, it means" I'm fed up. " aquarium.

J'en ai marre (listen)

  • "L'Alizé"- a song about itself, but written by Mylene Farmer. Light and pleasant music accompanied by a gentle text - this is the secret of the success of this single.
  • "J'ai pas vingt ans"or" I'm not twenty. "The song about the carelessness of youth could not reach high positions in the charts, but it was played on radio stations in many European countries.

J'ai pas vingt ans (listen)

  • "Les collines"- the composition of 2010, which took the 10th line in the French charts. An example of Alize's work after breaking with Mylene Farmer. Unusual music, a different sound of the voice and no hint of tender Lolita.

Features of creativity

Lolita - in this way she appeared before the French public and the whole world. A young attractive person in a light chintz dress charmed with her low velvet voice. She sang light easy compositions. Although the lyrics of the songs were written by Milen Farmer, whose work is remembered by the depth and melancholic character, the lyrics for Alize differ with simple and at the same time original content. In general, the bet was made on youth, disco style.

The second album includes more exciting and deep songs. Alize herself, according to the producer’s plan, becomes more liberated and sexier. Fans of Milen note that some compositions of this collection resemble the work of a popular singer, especially from the early period.

The image of Lolita was left in the past after breaking with Farmer. With the release of the third album "Psychédélices", a mature woman, not a teenager, appeared before the fans. The bias in music has also changed: the songs practically do not resemble the style of previous compilations. Here she reads rap, uses various ways of working with voice, sings ballads and connects electronic sound. According to critics, this album was the beginning of the search for their own style.

The experiments did not end there. In the fourth studio album "Une enfant du siècle" Alize tried to reveal her image, focusing specifically on electronic music. The contrast with young Lolita reaches its climax - not all fans were ready to accept it, although they recognized that Alize had grown up.

The singer got a taste and decided to surprise again. The album "5" recorded in the style of the 60s and is very similar to the French chanson. The texts of many songs of this collection became the revelation of the singer, which gave the collection a soulful and lyrical character.

The 2014 album "Blond" was a return to pop music. All the same dance rhythms, easy and unpretentious lyrics. Someone saw this as a return to the era of Milen Farmer and was delighted; someone was disappointed in the singer after the lyric compilation "5". By the way, on the cover of the new album, Alize is depicted as a blonde instead of a brunette, which justifies his name.

Creativity Alize can be divided into two periods: before and after Mylene Farmer. Both are full of worthy and memorable compositions, but all the same when one sounds, the name Alize involuntarily recalls "I ... Lolita". This song will stay with her forever.

Alize and Milen

It was no secret to anyone that behind the back of a young Lolita there is a magnificent Milen farmer. And Alize herself was not against such stellar mentorship. She just sang, because nothing in the music understood. The girl was also not embarrassed that they called her "little Milen", because she understood that the opportunity to work with a real star is hardly ever foreseen. In addition, many Farmer fans saw in Aliza a kind of continuation of their idol, in which the young talent did not want to disappoint them.

But Alize was growing up, making new acquaintances in the musical environment, changing her own views on the world of music. She no longer likes the image that was created by the "star mom." She perceived herself as a kind of product, the embodiment of other people's ideas. The girl wanted to change, but there was no desire to part with Milen and Laurent. Expressing their ideas to them, she was refused. They were not interested in the game in half. Alize had no choice, given her determination.

Despite all the troubles, the singer has no complaints about Milen. She admires her talent and ability to conduct business, calls her concerts magnificent and worthy of imitation. She is grateful to her for the experience that helps her now in promoting albums. In her sixth studio album "Blond", Alize even dedicated one of her songs to an inimitable tutor.

And what about Mylene? It is difficult to understand what is happening in the soul of the most mysterious singer. She did not give any comments on this issue, but she is certainly proud of the project called Alize. Currently, Milen and Alize have not seen for more than 10 years. But life is not static, perhaps, they will still delight fans of joint work.

Alize is now only 32 years old. She is full of strength, energy and all the same ease, which helps her achieve goals and live happily. We can only listen to her old songs and look forward to new ones.

Watch the video: Alizée. Change from childhood to 2018 (March 2025).

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