Learning notes together: several ways to memorize note signs. Modern programs.

Learning notes together: several ways to memorize note signs. Modern programs

Music belongs to the temporary art, as it exists only during the performance. But there is something that allows you to capture a piece of music or work in eternity, this notes. The ability to quickly read music notation for a real musician is like reading a book. Anyone can learn music notation, the main thing is to constantly train and improve. We will try to help you get so useful knowledge.

What are the musical signs and what are they called?

Notes - These are musical signs that accurately reflect the pitch and its duration. We can assume that this is the letter of music.

Currently, there are seven basic sound symbols located in this sequence:

  1. Before
  2. Re
  3. Mi
  4. F
  5. Salt
  6. La
  7. Si

Exercise number 1

Quickly pronounce the names from before to si up and down, try not to confuse them with each other and just follow the sequence.

When you memorize the main names, then you can move to another level. As mentioned earlier, notes are letters. There is an international musical alphabet in which everyone familiar before, re, mi, fa, salt, la, si are displayed in Latin letters.

  1. C - To
  2. D - Re
  3. E - Mi
  4. F - Fa
  5. G - Salt
  6. A - La
  7. H - C

Here is how they are located on the keyboard.

Exercise number 2

Play the corresponding sounds on the keyboard, pronouncing their symbols. Initially, the movement should be consistently up, then sequentially down. Repeat several times until you remember perfectly. Further complicate the task, pronounce and play the sounds through one. For example, do, mi, re, fa, etc.

To make it easier to relate the notes on the keyboard, you can stick multicolored stickers in the rainbow palette on the keys. Then the keyboard will look like this:

We now turn to the study of musical notation. First you need to learn that the piano keyboard has nine octaves, two of them incomplete and seven full. They are arranged in a similar order:

  1. Subcontracting;
  2. Contraktava;
  3. Big;
  4. Small;
  5. 1st;
  6. 2nd;
  7. 3rd;
  8. 4th;
  9. 5th

Incomplete are subcontracting and 5th. There are two notes in the subcontractor, namely A and B, and in the fifth one - before.

All novice musicians begin to memorize the notation first in the first octave, as it is most often used when playing the instrument. Let's follow their example and first learn the record in the first octave, but first let us understand all the basics of the musical text.

Basics of recording: what does musical text consist of

Notes are located on a special camp. It represents five lines.

Opens a special key entry. This musical element is a guideline aimed at showing the height. Today there are several types of keys. Consider each in detail.

Key Keys

The most common are violin and bass clefs.

The treble clef is the main element of the musical language. This system is repelled by a note of salt. Most convenient for recording in the first, second octave.

The bass clef also belongs to the main musical elements. The system is repelled by notes f. Most convenient for recording in small and large octaves.

In the case of the piano, they are often combined into a system. It looks like this:

The more complex are the alto and tenor keys, so in this article we will not focus on them.

The location of the note marks according to the key.

Consider the location treble clef note:

  1. Up is located on the first extra line.
  2. Re under the first ruler.
  3. Mi on the first line.
  4. Fa between 1 and 2.
  5. Salt on 2.
  6. La between 2 and 3.
  7. C on 3.
  8. Before2 between 3 and 4.

First, play in a strict order, pronouncing the names out loud. Visually remember the location. Then try to play a simple musical example 1.

Example number 1.

Play thoughtfully, take your time. Answer what note is missing in this example. You can check the answer at the end of the page.

Now consider how are located bass clef notes:

  • Up to between 2 and 3.
  • D on 3.
  • MI between 3 and 4.
  • Fa on 4
  • Salt between 4 and 5
  • La on 5
  • Si over 5.
  • Up to the first top extra line.

Similarly, play according to their order. Remember that in this case it is necessary to play not in the first octave, but in the small one.

If the designations are mastered, you can try to play the example 2 proposed by us.

Example number 2.

When playing, take your time. Answer the question what note is missing. (Answer at the end of the page)

It is important to learn not to confuse the notation of treble and bass clefs. To make it easier to memorize, we prepared special tableaccelerating the process.

Note nameTreble clefBass clefKeyboard layout
Up to (C)
Re (D)
Mi (E)
F (F)
Salt (G)
La (A)
C (H)

The memorization process is quite long, so it is necessary to devote as much time as possible to the study. After the initial knowledge will be almost automatic, you can begin to study notes in higher or lower octaves.

Let's look at the scale from the lowest to the highest note.

Do not try to grasp the immensity at once. Learn in parts, constantly fixing the material studied. After studying the theory, always switch to practice, the more you play simple note-based examples, the faster you will begin to distinguish notes in different keys and registers.

When playing the piano you can see that the instrument has white and black keys. Dark keys are either an increase or a decrease in the fundamental tones, so special symbols are used to designate.

Sharps are marked on the letter #, and flat - . The first signs raise the note by a half tone, and the second lower it, respectively. They are written next to the main tone. This topic is interesting, but requires more detailed discussion.

What modern programs help to learn the notation faster?

To date, computer technology is a great help in mastering musical fundamentals. Consider the most effective and convenient applications.

GNU Solfege is a modern program installed on a computer. The program includes in its own arsenal many simulators aimed at improving hearing, rhythm, as well as increasing the speed of reading notes.

Absolute hearing is an application for a smartphone running on the Android platform.

The advantages of this program include the presence of a huge number of exercises aimed at the full development of the musician. One of such exercises is “Reading notes”. A person can choose the scope of notes, the required key, etc. Can not but rejoice enough colorful interface. It is quite interesting to train your own knowledge in this application. Moreover, when it is in the phone, you can practice regardless of place and time.

The study of musical notation - These are only the first steps into the wonderful world of music, so do not stop at this stage. Discover new and interesting theoretical foundations and learn the rules of music.

Answers: In example No. 1, there was not enough note C, in example No. 2, there was not enough note A.

Watch the video: How to Read Music FASTER with this Special Technique (March 2025).

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