Theater of the Renaissance and Baroque

Orpheus and Eurydice

Dido and Aeneas

Coronation of Poppa


Many of the operas of the Renaissance and Baroque today are not staged in musical theaters, and live only on the pages of scores and rare audio and video recordings of many years ago. And some - victoriously returning to the world opera scenes, collecting full halls and endless ovations. Why did some fall into oblivion, while others have not lost their relevance? What did composers of that time write about in their writings? Who were the heroes of the first operas? Why are many men's parties in the ancient operas written for a high voice - a soprano and where did this "fashion" come from? You can read about this and many other things on the pages of this section. And here you can watch the most interesting theatrical productions and films.

Watch the video: The Spanish Golden Age: Crash Course Theater #19 (March 2025).

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