The bridge to the fulfillment of dreams in school vocals

Almost everyone can sing. Everyone has a voice, but ignorance of how to properly handle it, becomes an obstacle to the realization of a dream. The exciting world of music is becoming close today. If you have not graduated from music school, do not be upset. Thanks to the vocal school MuzMotiv in St. Petersburg, you have a chance to make your dreams come true.

Show Studio offers

  • vocal lessons;
  • piano lessons;
  • classes for the development of creative skills in children.

Experienced teachers will be able to assess the abilities and perspectives after listening. Enough to sign up and attend the first free lesson. The vocal teacher will evaluate the singing abilities, find out if there is a rumor, how well the vocal apparatus is developed, and develop an individual program to meet your desires. Our teachers help to “deliver” a voice not only to those who get acquainted with the world of music for the first time, but also to have a special musical education.

Learning to correctly reproduce sounds corresponding to harmony is only part of the work. The school will help to boldly own a microphone, tell and teach all the secrets of singing using audio equipment. Graduates safely pass the casting, show a high level at vocal competitions, reporting concerts and festivals.

Learning pop vocal occurs by a specially developed technique. You can choose individual lessons or attend group classes. Vocal lessons include voice, breathing and articulation. In the classroom you will be helped to find your stage image, they will teach you how to properly “present” yourself to the public.

Piano lessons will not be superfluous. You will be taught music literacy, the basics of playing the instrument, the correct formulation of hands. Lessons include harmony, having studied that, you can easily pick up any melody and accompaniment to it. Skills of reading from a sheet will help to easily cope with a musical work of varying complexity.

Show studio, which includes vocal lessons, classes in stage skills and choreography, will help children to discover creatively.

You can find your style, overcome constraints, master complex singing techniques, expand the range, and raise your professional level by contacting the MusMutiv Music Studio. The first lesson is free. There are several types of subscriptions. The school invites everyone. Choose how many lessons you need to do individually or with friends. And teachers will help unleash your talents.

Watch the video: When You Wish Upon A Star - sung by Jiminy Cricket Cliff Edwards (March 2025).

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