Magical flute

Game workshop "Magic Flute"

Part One: Interactive Game "Music of the Wind"
It will take: empty bottles, water.
Preparatory work: you should “set up your requisite” - before the start of the lesson, fill the container with water to a different level, thus finding notes on which you can play a simple melody with the children, make a marker. The facilitator or educator will have to be in the role of conductor.
Host: Hi guys. You are here for the Magic Flute workshop for children, right? And who knows what it is? (The guys answer that this is such a pipe) That's right, it is sometimes also called wind music. This name came from ancient times, when all winds were called blow or wind.
She has a lot of variations and is simple enough, for example, on a recorder, or a simple pipe is not so difficult to learn to do something. But a person always has one musical instrument that we carry with us all the time, and even you now have it with you. Guess what? Not? These are lips. Who can whistle? But the lips of man, perhaps the most real "magic flute". Let's try to whistle. Well, it turns out not immediately, but we have learned to just blow properly and this will help us.

Look, guys, I have a few empty bottles with me. Tell me, can we play any piece on them? Not? Or is it "yes"? Of course we can. (Props distributed to participants) Try to blow the neck this way (the neck is applied to the chin and at an angle it is necessary to gently blow it, a low buzzing sound will appear). Great guys, but hear that our flute has one sound, but there should be a lot of them, what should we do? How to make the bottles sang with different voices? Nobody knows? And the answer is very simple: you need to pour water into them. Only it is necessary to pour not to the top, but so that each has its own level. (Water is poured to pre-marked marks. Afterwards, the participants line up in a semicircle, so that the moderator sees everyone and everyone sees him.).

Well, what are you guys trying to play? Let's agree, I point out one of you and he blows in a bottle, he points to the other, the first one stops talking, and the one he starts to play shows. Agreed? (The participants, under the direction of the conductor, perform any composition.).

Part Two: Master Class "Flute Pan"
For the master class will need: cocktail straws, cardboard, tape, plasticine, stationery knife, ruler, markers or pencils.
Carrying out: Cocktail straws (7-8 pieces) are laid out and then cut off as follows: each straw will be 1-1.5 cm shorter than the previous one, that is, if the longest straw is 15 cm, then the next one should be cut to length 14-13 , 5 cm, next to 13-12 cm, etc. When all the straws are cut to the required length, they should be leveled along one edge and tape together. Fit small strips of cardboard to the desired width and color the blank. All the same tape to attach the cardboard. The last operation: the tubes must be plugged with clay from the cut side, with the one shortened by a cascade. Our wind music is ready, now you can try to play something on it, in the same way that you used to play bottles, that is, attach it to your chin and try to blow into it.

Watch the video: The Magic Flute - Queen of the Night aria Mozart; Diana Damrau, The Royal Opera (March 2025).

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