What is singing and how to learn to sing

What is singing and how to learn to sing

Every parent thinks about whether to give your child a musical education? When the decision is made in a positive way, the choice between musical instruments begins, but one should not forget about such an interesting, natural instrument as the voice. Learning to sing has a very beneficial effect on the child. At the same time vocal classes are very organic for a child, since firstly, children get acquainted with singing practically with the birth, secondly, it is clear to the child how this or that emotion can be conveyed through singing (word), thirdly, correct singing is very useful for general development and health.

Why do people like to sing?

Singing is the basis of all basics. Take for example religion. In every belief there are musical melodies and prayers. They are transmitted from century to century, from generation to generation, not through paper, but “word of mouth” thanks to hearing and memory. After all, there is a musical notation not so long ago, as it seems to us, from only the 11th century. Already in the ancient Slavic folk teachings, the duties of the future mother are prescribed, in which she must sing for her child from the first days of conception. And then, throughout the entire children's unconscious life, to develop it, i.e. sing him refrain, jokes, lullabies and other songs. It is worth noting that many children's games, in the original version, are built on chants and songs. Let's ask ourselves, why are people of past centuries so serious about singing, about voice? Why from the earliest years have children been introduced to the musical heritage? Maybe there is some special power in this? Any special benefits?

What is the use of singing?

From Old Believers and Old Believers to scholars, everyone comes to the consensus that the human voice has a special power of influence, both on people in general and on the person who sings. To date, a sufficient number of experiments have been conducted, which prove that the timbre of a human voice, as well as the frequencies and waves sent to them, can affect those who are standing next to each other, both in good and in bad direction. In no case should we forget about the power of the "word", it is not for nothing that there are many legends and myths associated with one or another emotional word (message), which greatly influenced the situation or person. Accordingly, it can be concluded that singing a certain song is not just an action, but can be a serious healing or crippling tool.

Here are some examples from the history of the ancient world:

  • In ancient Egypt, the treatment of insomnia flourished. Healers at the level of intuition used singing so that a person could fall asleep. As you may have guessed, this was the cause of the emergence of lullabies.
  • In India, up to the present, yogis have used a special method of creating certain vibrations with healing properties. To influence a person, they are sung in mantras and ragas.
  • In Tibet, both in the ancient world and now, the treatment of nervous diseases with the help of throat singing is practiced.
  • In the Celtic magical rites, "song spells" were used. According to legend, it was believed that they can both heal from ailment and harm health.
  • In ancient Russia, the treatment of sick people was practiced in a curious way: singing people formed a circle in which the patient was placed, after which they began to dance. The tunes were clean and rhythmic.
  • In New Zealand, during childbirth, songs were performed that eased the pain of the woman in labor.

In addition to the above properties, the correct singing is very beneficial effect on the health of the singing. This is due to the vibrations and frequencies that are formed during sound science inside a person. A few illustrative examples of the benefits of singing:

  1. Vibrations created during singing have a good effect on human immunity. Naturally, if a person sings purely, without falsehood.
  2. Certain vibrations and frequencies can beneficially affect human organs, since almost 80% of these vibrations remain in the body itself.
  3. People who have lung problems, such as asthma, chronic bronchitis, and others, are recommended to sing. This results from the fact that during a vocal breath and a diaphragm are strongly involved. Due to this, there is an improvement in the work of the lungs.
  4. All frivolous problems with the speech apparatus, for example: stuttering, singing can correct. Also during the singing is the development of diction.
  5. With the help of singing, you can relieve stress. Of course, this is not physical health, but mental is no less important.

What types of singing are there?

Vocal directions are varied. They covered all life trends throughout the existence of the world. Some of the genres were formed earlier, some later. Their appearance was associated with the historical needs of a particular era. So, many directions were lost in time, many reached our days, and some were created and are being created already during our time. So, the main song genres are divided into classical (opera and chamber singing), pop (pop, rap), folk (folk singing), jazz, rock vocals, chanson, etc.

Consider the most popular genres:

1) Pop vocals - a very fashionable trend among young people and not only. In the "pop style" combines a large number of different song genres. Initially, pop singing meant playing from the stage (stage), in modern perception, pop vocal means - light and accessible music for people. This genre can be in itself and echoes of folk singing, and jazz processing. To some extent, this type can be attributed to the author's song, rock-musical elements are not excluded. The main difference between pop sound from the academic - it is more open, natural sound. If a person has good voice data from nature, then he can sing the stage even without the initial stages of training, which is impossible in academic vocals. But if it is professional to engage in pop singing, then, as in classical music, it is necessary to know the basics of singing skills, the correct position and support in order for the singing to be clean, beautiful and not harm the person.

2) Jazz vocals - a popular genre. It is more complicated than pop singing. In order to sing jazz compositions you need to get along superbly with a sense of rhythm and harmony, have a mobile voice and have an intuitive improvisation. Jazz works are peculiar and have their own difficulties. Jazz compositions require a musician a good partnership sense and possession of improvisation on the go. In addition to the interesting melodic themes and forms, the emotional-semantic load of the song stands out seriously in this genre. Becoming a professional in this area is also possible, but more difficult.

3) Rock vocals - ordinary vocal singer rock band. In the rock works should be a strong emotional message. The goal of the vocalist is not primarily beautiful singing, but the transfer of meaning. But despite this, the singer still needs serious vocal training. For the performance of rock works, the vocalist needs complete inner freedom and natural “courage”; in this case, the performance is emotional and in a rock musical direction.

4) Academic vocals - This is an art form used in the old classical school. The performers owning the academic vocals work in the opera sphere, classical concert halls, academic choirs, etc. Academic sound science has a strong difference from all the genres listed above. The classical strict position of the voice apparatus is the main element. Singing in a classic manner does not recognize the presence of microphones on stage. Academic vocals have a certain framework, which lined up over the centuries. These restrictions do not allow the performer to sing other vocal genres, tat as with the time the opera singer forms certain vocal skills and a specific position. Because of this, the opera voice is strong, powerful and has a large volume. But if the singer manages to reduce the sound pitch, he will be able to perform works of other directions.

At what age is it better to start learning to sing?

Singing is a universal art form that can be started at any age. Even some physical defects, in most cases, will not interfere with this hobby.

But there are still some recommendations. Of course, it is best to start learning at preschool age. For children 5-6 years old, special group classes are held that resemble choral exercises. Only they are greatly simplified and short. Over time, it becomes clear who has what data (first of all, the sense of rhythm and the presence of hearing look). The voice over the years will seriously change, and therefore in the process of learning, of course, they also pay attention to it, but not much. They enter the music school at the age of 7-8, then they should choose a direction. Both individual and group classes are held at the school. Here the training is more in-depth and specific.

Voice mutation is a very serious issue that arises for every parent who gives a child to professional singing. There is nothing terrible in a voice mutation, it is a natural process in the body of a growing teenager. The mutation period is an absolutely individual time period for each individual person. There are established universal standards, but exceptions are also common. In the classic version of the girls mutation passes unnoticed, and the guys breaking voice begins at 14-15 years.

An adult can begin to learn to sing at any time, as soon as the desire arises. Naturally, a person must have a hearing, and at least a small possession of the voice, in order to avoid falsehood.

Should I learn to sing by myself?

If your goal is to become a professional in this field of art, then, of course, you cannot do without the help of specialists, no matter what kind of vocal you would like to do. Each genre has its own peculiarities and its own tricks that only professionals know and which they share with their students. In addition, the person himself can not hear all the shortcomings and mistakes in order to correct himself during the exercises. That is why we need "ears" that could appreciate what was heard.

If your desire is simply due to your passion, then you can learn to sing on your own. But for this, too, time and patience are needed, and even to a greater extent than if a vocal teacher helped you in training. For self-study you will need a computer on which you need to install a recording program and a microphone. Also, there are many video lessons on all types of singing on the net, on the basis of which you can do exercises and develop singing skills. But, again, self-study is a difficult process, so you should still consult with a professional.

And finally, I would like to say that singing is a surprisingly interesting and exciting activity. With great pleasure, children do vocals, adore performances, and perfectly cope with the emotional sphere. Singing perfectly develops children from the physical and spiritual side. After all, in order to sing with the soul, you must feel the meaning of the work and be able to convey it to the listener. I especially want to emphasize that there are practically no negative moments in the class of singing. And if you think in what circle to give your child and notice at the same time he has musical abilities, then feel free to lead him to do vocal!

Watch the video: Can ANYONE Learn How to Sing? My 6 Year Singing Transformation (March 2025).

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