Cartoon music

Music by P. I. Tchaikovsky
in cartoons

Classical music
in "Tom and Jerry"

Walt Disney

Cartoons to music
N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov

Music V.A. Mozart
in cartoons

The love of cartoons begins at a young age and many people retain it throughout their lives. What is the secret of such constancy? Cartoons are good, funny, touching stories that are sometimes filled with mystery and magic. They are understandable to absolutely anyone and have plots that are fascinating and close to every heart. Special charm to this genre gives music that can be not only among modern composers, but also classics. Such familiar and close to many tunes that fascinate the audience from the first sounds - this only enhances the emotional impact of cartoons. Sometimes, classical compositions fit so organically into the plot that it seems that they were specially written for him, so subtly and clearly they convey the thoughts, feelings of the characters and the general atmosphere. There is no secret in it - it is just an amazing power of music.

Watch the video: LIVE Eena Meena Deeka. FUNNY FACES. Special Live Compilation. Cartoons for Children. WildBrain (March 2025).

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