Flute pan

Flute pan

An ancient Greek legend about a single instrument, a flute variety - syrinx, representing several reed pipes joined together, has reached our days. His more common name is Pan's flute.

In those days, Syrinx - it was the name of the most beautiful girl in the city. Once Pan, the god of forests and groves, met her, and she liked her so much that she fell in love with her unresponsively and began to pursue everywhere. The girl was not happy with the fan and in every way tried to avoid meeting. One day, he chased after her, but a dense forest, under his green crowns, hid her from Pan. He almost caught up with Syrinx, stretched out his hand to grab, but suddenly it turned out that he was not holding a beautiful brush at all to his beloved, but only a thick reed. Unfortunately, the forest god, blinded by annoyance, did not realize that the earth had hidden the girl from him and turned him into reeds. He grabbed this arm, deciding that the reed beds had hidden the beautiful maiden from him and cut them off with a knife. Too late, Pan realized what had actually happened, repented, carefully gathered all the reeds, began to shed tears and kiss them carefully. At this time a miracle happened, his breath accidentally penetrated into the reed sections and the music began to sound. So the instrument appeared with a light and airy sound, like a whiff of wind.

Watch the video: MINHA RÁDIO: ROMANTIC INSTRUMENTAL - PAN (March 2025).

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