R. Schumann "Happy Peasant": history, content, video, sheet music

R. Schumann "A cheerful farmer returning from work"

The outstanding German composer Robert Schumann became famous not only because he wrote brilliant works, from which adult lovers of classical music admire, but also because he made an invaluable contribution to the creative education of the younger generation. His children's album "Album for the Young" is considered to be a highly artistic example of colorful and original music, which occupies a worthy place in the world fund of musical literature. As in earlier times, today Schumann's piano cycle is very popular. The miniatures included in it, for example, such as "The Merry Peasant Returning from Work", find more and more fans and performed by novice musicians in all corners of the globe.

History of creation

"Happy Peasant" Robert Schumann wrote in 1848. The amazing story of his creation is inseparably connected with the composition of the piano cycle "Album for the Young". In the composer's family, everyone was looking forward to the September 1 offensive, because the eldest daughter Marihen had seven years old that day. Schumann always waited for birthdays with impatience and prepared for them with particular diligence. So it was this time. To make a surprise gift for his beloved baby, her father composed a small charming piece for her.The family members liked the miniature so much that the composer, who heard praise, had an interesting idea: to compose a whole collection of small plays for children.

The main goal that Schumann had set himself was to create bright but short pieces. They should attract children's interest and help young musicians to master the instrument with enthusiasm. Without thinking twice, the next day the maestro set about implementing his idea and seven days later announced that the essay, consisting of several dozen miniatures, was ready. Among the plays written was the "Merry Peasant". Having received the approval of the new works at the family council, the composer grouped them according to the degree of difficulty into two notebooks and gave them to the publisher.

The collection, which at first was called "Christmas album for children", was published at the end of the same 1848. Soon, having gained popularity, he was reissued several times, but his current name, “Album for the Young,” was acquired only in 1851, when it came out of print in a newly edited form.


“A merry peasant returning from work” - this playful and cheerful in its character with incredible realism draws the image of a cheerful man who walks along a country road in a measured step. In spite of everything, he is alert and supports his mood with fervent songs.

The composer chose the tonality of F-dur for this play and a simple two-part form with the so-called inclusion, that is, at the end of the work the sentence from the first section sounds.

The melody of the play is very expressive and singing. Wide interval moves bring it closer to folk motifs. Since it is implied that the song is performed by a male voice, the composer commissioned the melodic line to the left-hand part. Despite the melodiousness of the theme, the work is perceived as fun and even dance.

The inner activity of the music is created thanks to the "dancing" accompaniment, which is pulsating in the right-hand part.

The difficulties arising from the young musician in the performance of the play "A merry peasant returning from work".

  • The performer must be sufficiently fluent in his left hand and have a large stretch. Only with a free and plastic brush can the desired thick and strong sound be achieved.
  • A light accompaniment in the right hand is also a difficulty for the performer, because he is used to playing the opposite. Usually accompaniment that should not drown out the melody is performed with your left hand
  • When playing the second part, when the accompaniment goes into the middle voices and the right hand duplicates the left part, you should pay attention to the correct distribution of sound between the main and accompanying voices.

"A cheerful farmer returning from work" - this playful miniature in its warehouse has earned special recognition from young musicians. The beauty of the presentation of her musical material and cheerful mood attracts young performers, and not only those who play the piano. The arrangement of this play is made for many instruments, since the pedagogical and artistic significance of this work is very great.

Watch the video: The Best of Schumann (March 2025).

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