We give the child to a music school: what you need to know?

In the life of any parents, a period comes when representatives of the younger generation of the family need to be defined in the world of diverse hobbies - dancing, sports, music.

How nice to see your child eagerly extracting the melodic consonance from the instrument. It seems to us that this world is open only to the talented and gifted.

But ask the average student of the music school: "How does the world of music seem to him?" Answers of children will surprise you pretty. Some will say that the music is beautiful and amazing, others will say: "The music is good, but I will not give my own children to the music school." Many "would-be students" did not reach the end, and left this wonderful world of consonances with negative impressions.

What you need to know and what to expect?


A music school is an educational institution whose task is not only to introduce children to the world of music, but also to educate a musician who in the future may choose music as his profession. If you, as a parent, hope that your talent will delight you and your guests at a festive feast with the reproduction of your favorite "Murka", then here you are mistaken. The specificity of the music school is in the classical orientation of the repertoire. Your home concerts will most likely consist of the plays of L. Beethoven, F. Chopin, P. Tchaikovsky, and others. The school is not a variety club, it is a competent guide to the world of classical musical knowledge and professional skills. But how a student will use these skills is his business - here it is at least “Murka”, at least “Central”.


Throughout music education, students learn a number of theoretical and musical subjects. Some parents do not even suspect that the load in the music school is not small. The student is required to attend 2 times a week individual lessons on the main instrument, solfeggio lesson, a lesson in choir and musical literature.

Here in one visit a week does not meet!

Concert performances

Monitoring the progress of the young musician is carried out in the form of a concert performance in public - an academic concert, or an exam. Such forms of performances are inevitably associated with stage emotion and stress. Look at your child - is he ready for the fact that 5 or 7 years in his life there will be inevitable academic concerts where he will be obliged to perform on a concert stage? But all these difficulties are easily overcome thanks to everyday training for the instrument.

Hard work

This is a hand with beautiful music unity. A mandatory requirement for each student-musician is the presence of a musical instrument in your home. During the lessons the student will receive a portion of knowledge, which must be consolidated during home classes. Purchasing an instrument is one of the conditions for studying in a music school. Homework should be done in a focused atmosphere "students and instrument": there should be no distractions nearby. It is necessary to properly organize the workplace.

Some more important thoughts about

If all these factors have not scared you away and the dream of a noble hobby of your child does not give you peace. Dare! It remains only to pass the entrance exams to the music class and decide on the instrument.

There is a common misconception that ear for music is the main factor in getting into music school. IT IS A MYTH! The teacher-musician will teach anyone who wants to, but the result will depend not only on talent, but also on the student's zeal. Abilities, in particular musical ear, are developing. For musical activity are important such makings as: responsiveness to music (musicality) and rhythm.

The success factor of the child’s performing activities is the choice of the coordinator of the musical process - the teacher. Only a competent specialist and time can make the correct musical diagnosis. Sometimes, a student who accidentally gets into music becomes a successful professional musician. Consider the fact that it is not a school, but a good teacher that makes your child of musical genius!

And about the entrance exams - I will reveal the "terrible secret of teachers"! The main thing is the desire and the share of artistry. If a little musician sings his favorite song with delight, and at the sight of the instrument he has "eyes burning", then this is without a doubt "our little man"!

Here are some specific features of music school. They will help you to feel not only all the responsibility for your choice, but also to properly prepare and adjust your child.

Watch the video: How to Teach Piano to Kids : Tips for Teaching Music to Children (March 2025).

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