How to teach a child to listen to music?

How to teach a child to listen to music? Such a question is set by parents, looking at how their restless children run, play, dance. The culture of listening to music is not only that the child is immersed in the sounds of melody, but also does it in a calm state (sitting in a chair, lying on a rug). How to teach a child to think while listening to music?

Why teach a child to perceive music?

The emotionality, the imagery of music, develops the child’s memory and thinking, imagination and speech. It is important from an early age to include children's songs, sing lullabies. The mental development of a child is impossible without the ability to listen and understand the musical language. The task of the parents is to gradually, unobtrusively lead the child to independent listening and understanding of music.

By the age of 2, children can emotionally respond to music. The expressiveness of the musical language encourages the child to clap, dance, rattle, beat the drum. But the attention of the baby quickly switches from one subject to another. The child can not long listen to music or dance to her. Therefore, parents do not need to insist, but should move on to other activities.

Becoming older, the child already feels the mood of the music. The active development of the baby's speech allows you to talk about what he felt or presented. Gradually, the child has a desire to independently listen to the melodies, sing them, play the simplest musical instruments.

Parents should support any creative initiative of the child. Together with him sing along, read poems, listen to songs and talk about their content. Only together with mom and dad, in the process of communicating with them, does a child develop a culture of listening to music and interacting with it.

Where to begin?

Looking at how a child draws, plays, a question arises from parents: “How can I teach a child to listen to music?” You should not immediately resort to serious classic works. The main criteria for the perception of music is:

  • accessibility (taking into account the age and development of the child);
  • gradualism.

For starters, you can listen to children's songs with your child. Ask about the mood caused by the penalty, what she sang about. So the child begins not only to listen to the words, but also learns to talk about what he heard.

Gradually, the parents from listening to music can do the whole ritual. The child comfortably sits or lies down on the carpet, closes his eyes and begins to listen. Numerous children's plays have foreign and Russian composers. The length of the sound should not exceed 2-5 minutes. By age 7, a child will learn to listen to music for up to 10 minutes.

To diversify the perception of music, you can connect it with other activities. After listening - to draw or mold from the clay a hero of a musical work (for example, getting acquainted with the plays from the “Carnival of Animals” by Saint-Saens). You can compose a fairy tale based on the play. Or prepare ribbons, balls, bells and spin with your mother to the sounds of melody.

Any girl will happily dance a waltz with a new doll to the music of Pyotr Tchaikovsky:

When you listen to the play again, you can offer the child to voice it himself, repeat it by ear. To do this, first find out the mood of the music, choose musical instruments or objects for dubbing. It is not necessary in the house to have a lot of children's musical instruments - they can be any household item.

Recommendations for parents

  • Choose the play available to the child in content.
  • Prepare a comfortable place to listen to music.
  • Do not distract by extraneous noises or actions.
  • Parents listen to music with their child.
  • Questions to encourage the story of what he heard.
  • Learn to distinguish between musical instruments.
  • Integrate the perception of music with other activities.
  • Lead the child to the concerts of children's music.
  • By own example to teach a child the culture of listening to music.

In the magical music box you can see the heroes of any fairy tales (music by George Sviridov):

Watch the video: How to Teach Piano to Kids : Tips for Teaching Music to Children (March 2025).

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