Voice recording on a usual lavalier microphone: we get high-quality sound in simple ways.

Everyone knows that in the case when you need to record a live voice on video, use a microphone-buttonhole. Such a microphone - small and light - is mounted directly on the clothes of the talking hero of the video. Due to his diminutiveness, he does not interfere during recording with someone who speaks or sings into it, and for the same reason he is well disguised and hidden, and, therefore, in most cases is not visible to the viewer.

But it turns out that a lapel microphone can be used to record a voice, not only to create a video, but also when you need to record the voice of a singer (in other words, vocals) or speech for subsequent processing in programs. Lavalier microphones are different, and it is not necessary to take the most expensive - you can choose an affordable one, the main thing is to know how to record correctly.

I'll tell you about a few tricks that will help you get a quality recording from the simplest microphone. These techniques were tested in practice. None of those who listened to such recordings and later interviewed people complained about the sound, but rather asked where and what the voice was written on ?!

What to do if you want to record high-quality vocals, but at the same time there is no high-quality microphone and funds to buy this not cheap equipment? Buy a buttonhole at any computer store! An ordinary "buttonhole" can record quite a decent sound (most cannot distinguish it from studio recording on professional equipment) sound, if you follow the rules outlined below!

  • Connect the "buttonhole" only directly to the sound card (rear connectors);
  • Before recording, set the volume level to 80-90% (to avoid overloads and loud "spitting");
  • A little trick to extinguish the echo: while recording, sing (speak) opposite the back of a computer chair or pillow (if the back of the chair is leather or plastic);
  • Hold the microphone in your fist, leaving a barely protruding upper part, this will quench even more echo and will not allow breathing to create noises.
  • While recording, hold the microphone at the side of the mouth (and not the other way), so you will get 100% protection against spitting and overloading;

Experiment and achieve maximum results! Successful to you creativity!

Watch the video: AUDIO TIPS. How To Use Lavalier Microphones (March 2025).

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