Taylor Swift: interesting facts, best songs, biography, listen

Taylor Swift

What can be achieved in the world of music, if you start a career at a very young age? The answer to this question is given by the biography of Taylor Swift, who was subjugated by the American public. At the age of 14 she signed her first contract, and at 16 she already released a successful debut CD. The owner of a pleasant timbre surprises fans with new singles, and detractors makes torment speculations about their success. We offer to learn more about this singer and evaluate her work.

short biography

The Taylor Alison Swift Story is a story of a simple American girl who lives next door and wishes you a good day every morning. She was born on December 13 in 1989 in Pennsylvania in the family of a financier and a marketer. After the birth of his daughter Andrew, the mother of the future star, changed her strict office style to the home one and devoted her life to raising children - Taylor has a younger brother, Austin.

Swift spent her childhood on a fir farm where she and her brother enjoyed the freedom and natural idyll. But not everything was so rosy. The girl admits that she was an outsider at school and kept to the side. This did not prevent the realization of her creative ambitions. At first there was a theater, then endless auditions and music competitions, where luck did not always favor the young talent. Taylor did not give up. Not allowed character and endless support from parents.

At the age of 12, a blond girl picked up a guitar. One computer repairman showed her how to play a couple of chords - that was enough to inspire Taylor to write his own song "Lucky You". Two years after this event, the Swift family moves to Nashville, Tennessee. Here, the young singer's demo recordings attract the attention of the record label RCA Records. The contract was signed, but Taylor's talent was used for other purposes. She was offered to become a full-time author of the studio and write lyrics for various artists. According to the conditions, the girl could release her own album only after the onset of the 18th anniversary.

Swift felt that she was ready to appear before the public as a solo artist, so she broke off relations with RCA Records. She understood that the end of the contract could threaten with unfulfilled dreams, but her courage paid off.

The girl began to perform with her songs near the cafe to declare herself. It was here that Scott Barchett, the future manager of the singer, noticed. Preparations began for the recording of their debut album, which was named "Taylor Swift". It went on sale in 2006, when Tay was only 16 years old. How did the critics rate it? Positively. Five singles from this disc received platinum status in the United States - this says a lot.

Tours and performances at concerts of other artists in support of their own album became a logical continuation of the success. A charming girl with blond curls could be seen at the opening of Brad Paisley, George Straight or Tim McGraw - famous American country singers. I didn’t forget Tey on the tour and about the next album, writing down all her thoughts and feelings on paper. It took two years to record a new collection of hits, which surpassed the debut CD.

The end of 2008 was marked by the release of "Fearless". The album literally immediately turned out to be on the first line of the charts and was sold in the amount of more than half a million copies. Commercial success exceeded all expectations. It is noteworthy that Taylor herself wrote about half of the songs presented on the disc. All of them are devoted to the love theme, which the singer likes to tell in her compositions.

Subsequent albums were released with a difference of two years. Everyone was waiting for success and popularity among the audience. I did not have time for the disc to go on sale as it immediately occupied the honorable first place in the charts. But success in a musical career went against the personal life of a young star. Each subsequent novel ended with a quick break and the appearance of headlines in the press "Taylor Swift has twisted relations with ...". Despite personal failures, the singer always has in stock emotional and sincere material for writing songs.

Currently, Tey continues to occupy a leading position and delight fans of new compositions. The girl earns money in real estate, buying for herself and her family at home across America, which brought her fame and popularity.

Interesting Facts

  • The name Taylor was chosen for the girls not by chance. The singer's mom, a marketing specialist in the past, wanted her daughter to follow in her father’s footsteps and make a dizzying career on Wall Street. Too "girly" name could prevent this, so there was an option Taylor, which makes you wonder: in front of you man or woman? The second part of the name - Alison - the girl inherited from her aunt.
  • Famous American does not like to talk about his personal life. For each question concerning the second half, she answers in the same way: "I express all my experiences in songs." Excessive secrecy is associated with the reluctance to see in the press articles about their own relationships, turned upside down.
  • At 9 years old Taylor was passionate about theater and participated in various productions.
  • The shocked amazed expression of the singer's face during the awards periodically becomes a reason for laughter and mockery. Colleagues on the stage do not mind making fun of the public, portraying Swift's surprise.
  • Taylor is rightly called the most-most. There are numerous awards in her collection, her albums are sold with multi-million copies, and Forbes magazine in 2017 awarded the singer with the 3rd place in the rating of the most highly paid stars under 30 years old.
  • New 2015 turned into real magic for Rebeca, one of Taylor's fans. The singer sent her not only a letter with wishes, but also sent a check for almost $ 2,000 to pay for her studies. Why was Rebeca chosen? For the dedication and support that she provided to her idol.
  • Reasoning on the topic "who would you be if it were not music," Taylor replies that he would link his life with advertising or writing novels.
  • Taylor has received wide publicity about Apple’s policy. The fact is that the famous American company in 2015 planned to launch a new service for listening to music. Conditions for users stated that they could enjoy the work of their favorite artists for free for 3 months. The authors of the "free content" during this period were not entitled to any dividends. This angered Taylor. It was supported by other artists - Apple reviewed the conditions in their favor. Ordinary users are not affected.
  • The most memorable gift for Taylor was the olive tree on Christmas Eve. He was put by her young man, which made a great impression on the singer.

  • The girl likes to start the morning with coffee. However, she does not mind enjoying the taste of roasted coffee beans during the day. If it were not necessary to keep the shape in shape, then Taylor would love to eat chicken fillet, cheeseburgers and fries.
  • In 2007, Tay became the youngest actress to win the Composer / Artist of the Year Award from the National Association of Musicians in Nashville. In 2013, she received it for the sixth time in a row, setting a new record.
  • In 2009, an incident occurred at the MTV Musuc Awards ceremony, which, in the opinion of fans and critics of the pop star, finds echoes in the present. Members of the jury recognized Taylor's "You Belong with Me" work as the best female video and invited to the stage for awards and speech. But rapper Kanye West did not let the girl finish her sentence. He stated that Beyonce should have received this award, not Taylor. Of course, Kanye had to apologize, but the offense remained. In the album of “Reputation” in 2017, fans heard that events of the past years still do not give rest to the singer.
  • Taylor participates in charity events. She donated $ 50,000 to New York schools, helped the Red Cross department and one girl who could not attend her concert due to the treatment of leukemia.
  • During a speech at the Grammy in 2010, Taylor sang unsuccessfully due to strong stress and excitement. The audience instantly doubted her vocal abilities, which made the singer take up vocals again.

How did the image of Taylor Swift

Celebrities who began their astral journey from a young age, sooner or later undergo metamorphosis. Following the maturing artist, the image and musical direction change. This also affected the heroines of our article.

If Tay was originally the embodiment of an American idyll, an ordinary girl from the farm, then her last album "Reputation" and clips introduce us to the other side of the singer. A bold, courageous and sexy woman who is not afraid to arouse criticism from those around us. The musical style is a little like country music. This is real pop music, which uses trend tricks. In some compositions, Taylor switches to the recitative, which adds novelty to her work.

Best songs

On account of Taylor Swift 6 studio albums and more than 80 tracks in total. We offer to get acquainted with the most striking tracks of this singer.

  • "Love Story". This beautiful and romantic song was born in 2008. Tay wrote it completely herself, entrusting the production to Nathan Chapman, a famous country-style musician. Lyrics and video in the clip send us to Romeo and Juliet, in the spirit of the performer. With this single, she discovered the top of the Canadian charts.

"Love Story" (listen)

  • "Blank Space". The track helped become its owner the first singer, whose hits follow each other in the first position of the American charts. What is he still remembered? With a clear rhythm, beautiful vocals and lyrics, in which Swift appears to the public as a liberated and jealous person. In the same spirit, the video was shot, sustained in an atmosphere of luxury and glamor.

"Blank Space" (listen)

  • "Shake It Off". The dance rhythm of this single is energizing and positive, as well as a video clip where Taylor is not afraid to look ridiculous. But charges of plagiarism override good points. After the presentation of the song, Swift and the authors of the composition sued - in the opinion of Shawn Hall and Nathan Butler, about 20% of the text was borrowed from the Playas Gon 'Play single they wrote in the early 2000s. But representatives of the singer only laughed at the suit.

"Shake It Off" (listen)

  • "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together". This is the first single of the singer who was able to reach the first line of the American charts. It was written under the influence of rumors. One friend told Tey that everyone is talking about her reunion with the ex-boyfriend. So a song came about two lovers, who then come together, then part.
  • "Look What You Make Me Do" is a bold Taylor experiment with changing the music genre. The single anticipated the release of the new album "Reputation" and caused mixed opinions from critics. The electronic sound, the theme of retribution in the lyrics, the unfettered image are little associated with the gentle and touching Swift - this caused a wave of misunderstanding. But this did not prevent the song from taking a leading position in the American, British and Canadian charts.

Films about Taylor Swift and her participation

A young and talented American woman had time to play in several feature films of different genres. Rate her acting game offer the following films:

  • "Dedicated" (2014). In this fantastic story, Taylor got the role of Rosemary, which, according to the script, did not manage to become the Keeper of memory. The singer owes her appearance on the screen to one of the top managers of the film company engaged in filming the film. He was very impressed with the performance of the artist, which influenced her acting career. In this case, the directors and producers note: Swift organically fit into its role, although the image of Rosemary was prescribed long before the appearance of the girl in the project.
  • "Valentine's Day" (2010). In the light comedy about the most romantic day of the year, Taylor got the role of a girl player in a school sports team. Did she cope with the task? Someone will say that yes, someone - no.

In the list of projects where the popular country singer starred, there are also serials. She can be seen in one of the series "C.S.I. Crime Scene" and "New", where the girl got a 40-second role. Also in 2012, Taylor voiced the main character of the animated film "Lorax" - Audrey.

Taylor Swift Music in Movies

She herself writes the lyrics, she composes music that is liked by millions of fans and directors. Creativity Swift has become part of more than one dozen different films.



"Fifty shades darker" (2017)

"I Don't Wanna Live Forever"

"The Secret Life of Pets" (2016)

"Welcome To New York"

"The Beast" (2016)

"Shake It Off"

"Active Search" (2016)

"Welcome To New York"

"San Andreas Rift" (2015)


"Dreams Come True!" (2013)

"Sweeter Than Fiction"

"The Hunger Games" (2012)

"Safe & Sound"

"Letters to Juliet" (2010)

"Love Story"

"Valentine's Day" (2010)

"Today Was A Fairytale", "Jump Then Fall"

"Hannah Montana" (2009)


A separate list can be made, if we take into account the television series and TV shows. Ambulance, Passion Anatomy, C.S.I. Crime Scene - this is also the lyric soprano of the talented Taylor.

The secret of success Taylor Swift

The popularity of this American singer is really amazing. Her albums will debut from the first places of the charts, her singles are sold to millions of copies, she tours around the world and wins numerous awards. Tay has more than 200 awards in the list of achievements, including Grammy, American Music Awards, BRIT Awards, etc. The state of the performer also does not stand aside and is constantly being counted - she is no stranger to wear the title of the highest paid star. How did she manage to do this?

Some critics believe that she appeared on the scene at the right time in the right place. Nashville, where young Tay moved with her parents, is the center of country music in the United States. Here at every step there are recording studios, which makes it easier for the newly appeared stars. It is not surprising that Swift chose the country direction for itself and began to actively develop in it.

The second moment of popularity is associated with the absence of a singer on stage, whose image will seem native and recognizable to Americans. Britney Spears, who in the early 2000s was brightly associated with the US pop industry, began to lose her reputation because of indecent behavior and the divorce process. Here it is time for the appearance of a new star: pure, innocent and sincere. She became Taylor Swift.

Charming girl with long blond hair won America with her songs. Her image is fully consistent with the chosen direction. Tei invariably performed with a guitar in her hands and in cowboy boots, which looked spectacular against the backdrop of light dresses in a rustic style. Creativity of the performer was filled with personal feelings and feelings, which again found an echo from the fans.

It is noteworthy that Swift predominantly writes both music and words for her songs. At the same time, she does not refuse to cooperate with other poets and musicians. So, the poet Liz Rose helped create many compositions by Tey.

But music critics and detractors are not sure that Taylor’s success is based solely on her talent. In the release of singles, albums and in the supported innocent image of the singer, they see equally talented marketing. It consists in heating interest in songs that are waiting for release, various promotions aimed at increasing sales, and abandoning streaming services. In any case, Swift does not want to give up positions and is ready to conquer new peaks.

No matter how they treat Taylor Swift, her work has taken a worthy place in the music world. This is proved by the ratings, multimillion sales and the love of the public, who listen to it with pleasure.

Watch the video: Taylor Swift's Best Quotes. Inspiring Taylor Swift Quotes to Live By (March 2025).

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